Nighat M. Gandhi

Nighat M Gandhi is a writer and professional mental health counsellor. She spent her formative years in Dhaka and Karachi. After college in the USA, she married and moved to Allahabad, where she raised her two daughters, and became a member of Stree Adhikar Sangathan, a feminist women’s group.
She writes on women’s and human rights issues for newspapers such as The Hindu and Dawn. Ghalib at Dusk (Tranquebar, Delhi, 2009) is her first collection of short stories. What I am Today, I Won’t Remain Tomorrow: Conversations with survivors of Abuse (Yoda Press, Delhi, 2010) is her second book. She is currently working on her third book about Love in the Lives of Muslim women of the subcontinent. This is her first effort at translating Urdu fiction.

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