About Mridula Garg
Equally proficient in Hindi and English, Mridula Garg has written in almost every genre in Hindi; 8 novels, 4 plays, 4 collections of essays, 1 memoir of fellow writers, 1 travel account and 90 short stories. Her latest work is a novel in English called The Last Email, Speaking Tiger, 2017.Among other awards, her novel, Kathgulab was awarded the Vyas Samman in 2004 and Miljul Mann, the Sahitya Akademi Award in 2013. She received the Hellman-Hammet Grant from The Human Rights Watch, New York in 2001. Three of her novels, Chittacobra, Anitya, Kathgulab are available in English translation as Chittacobra, Anitya Halfway to Nowhere and Country of Goodbyes. Many of her stories have been translated in other Indian languages, English, German, Russian, Czech and Japanese. The collection in English is entitled Daffodils on Fire and that in Bangla, Sabuj Tip.She has travelled extensively in Europe including Russia, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and Japan and China and many parts of USA, on the invitation of their Universities and Literary and Cultural Forums to lecture and read from her works. She was the keynote speaker at the UN Colloquium for Women at IOWA and a Research Associate at UC Berkeley, USA in 1990.2024-04-24T03:16:05+00:00By Mridula Garg|