Rohini Devasher

Born in 1978, Rohini Devasher lives and works in New Delhi. She received her MA in Printmaking from the Winchester School of Art in the UK and her BFA in Painting from the College of Art in New Delhi. Her current work involves research and fieldwork in astronomy, the most recent project an exploration of ‘strange’ terrains where myth and fiction blur the boundaries of what is real and imagined. She works in a variety of media including large site-specific drawings, video, digital prints, and sound.

Devasher was the recipient of the Forbes India Young Contemporary Artist of the Year 2014, Skoda Breakthrough Artist Award 2013 and the Sarai Associate Fellowship 2010 and INLAKS Fine Art Award 2007 and 2008. She was most recently an artist in residence at Metal Culture in the UK, 2013 and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin in between March and June 2012. She was part of the Kochi Muziris Biennale with her work Parts Unknown and has shown her work at the IZIKO Museum, South Africa, The Wanås Foundation, Sweden, Courtauld Institute of Art, KHOJLIVE12, the Zacheta National Gallery of Art, in Warsaw and the Apeejay New Media Gallery New Delhi among others. Forthcoming projects include the Fukuoka 5th Triennale, Japan followed by a residency at the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum.

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