Rekha Rodwittiya

Rekha Rodwittiya’s work describes complex issues of life and living, of alienation and belonging, of discrimination and acceptance, of accord and discord.

Born in Bangalore in 1958, she completed her graduation from The Faculty of Fine Arts, MS University, Baroda in 1981. She received the Inlaks scholarship for her MA in Painting from the Royal College of Art, London in 1984.
Rodwittiya has always been concerned with the representation of the female figure in her quest to find the vocabulary to represent women without objectifying them, without allowing the viewer to play the role of voyeur. She draws on a heritage of elemental imagery, tempered by psychological insights, portraying women through the prism of personal experience and day-to-day realities.

She has exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally and been involved in teaching art through alternative non-institutionalised methods, as well as by being a guest faculty at art colleges all over the world.

She is the founder and CEO of The Collective Studio, Baroda. She writes on gender politics, issues of identity, cultural methods and other subjects of concern within an Indian and globalised context of art practice. She is an independent curator and currently maintains a blogspace.

She lives and works in Baroda.

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