We want to read your stories. We want your stories to be read.

Out of Print is an online platform for short fiction with a connection to the Indian subcontinent. It is published quarterly and features work in English, or translated into English. The first issue of the magazine was released in September 2010.

A list of contributors to Out of Print is featured on our attendant blog and includes a range of writers, from the famous to the well established to those publishing for the first time. A number of writers who published in Out of Print have gone on to successful publishing careers, winning award and accolades, with work from the magazine featuring in their books.

In 2010 we wrote, ‘Traditions of storytelling layer our collective contemporary voice. Send us your stories and we’ll send them to the world.’ We continue to stand by those words, and we look forward to receiving your submissions.


Founding Editor

Indira Chandrasekhar: Indira Chandrasekhar started writing fiction with an increasing focus on the short story upon returning to India after more than seventeen years abroad. She has a PhD in Biophysics and, prior to committing to fiction writing, studied the dynamics of biological membranes at research institutes in India, the United States and Switzerland. Links to her published work are available on her blog. She co-edited the anthology Pangea, Thames River Press, 2012. A collection of her short stories, Polymorphism, was published by HarperCollins in 2017. In December 2020, a curated anthology of thirty stories celebrating ten years of the magazine was brought out by Context, the literary imprint of Westland.


Ram Sadasiv: Ram Sadasiv is a writer and musician who lives in Washington, DC. You can follow his blog at angarai.blogspot.com.

Zui Kumar-Reddy: Zui Kumar-Reddy is a writer, buffalo herder and rabbit caretaker living in Bangalore. Her writing has been published in Out of PrintDNAHomegrown.inThe Legendary and The Peal amongst others. She has just completed her debut novel The Generation of Light. Zui is the recipient of the first Sonny Mehta Scholarship for Writers at the University of East Anglia that supports, as they say, ‘a talented writer from the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East or North Africa to enable them to undertake study in our prestigious department of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing’.

Rahael Mathews: Rahael Mathews is a visual artist and writer based in Bangalore whose recent practice involves exploring the intersection of literature with other art forms as an avenue to understand various dimensions of human behaviour and our never-ending predilection for answers. She is a strong believer in blurring boundaries in art, and finds inspiration in a wide range of disciplines – from mythology and music, to sustainable practices and ecology.

Guest Editors

Meena Kandasamy: Poet, writer, translator and activist, Meena Kandasamy worked with Samhita Arni and Indira Chandrasekhar on the powerful and significant March 2015 issue of Out of Print. More on her writing, publications, and interviews at kanadasamy.co.uk.

Annie Zaidi: Writer and filmmaker, Annie Zaidi worked with Indira Chandrasekhar on the fine September 2017 edition of Out of Print devoted to translations of Urdu short stories into English. Her short stories have appeared in Out of Print. Details about her work and publications may be found at anniezaidi.com.

Former Editors

Samhita Arni: Samhita Arni was involved in the conceptualisation of Out of Print and served as editor till 2013 when she moved to Afghanistan. She is a writer of note, an excerpt from her The Missing Queen, Penguin (Viking)/Zubaan 2013 was featured in June 2011. She returned to edit the March 2015 release of Out of Print the magazine that she suggested should focus on sexual and gender violence. The issue was co-edited with Meena Kandasamy and Out of Print’s Indira Chandrasekhar. More on her work at her website, samarni.com.

Mira Brunner: Mira Brunner was involved in the conceptualisation and design of Out of Print and served as editor till 2013. An artist, she has contributed two images to Out of Print, the first ‘Kya’ a commentary on censorship in March 2012 and the second, ‘Cosmogram 4’ that was commissioned for the March 2014 edition. Mira was an associate and an archivist at Louise Bourgeoise’s Chelsea home in New York. She continues to consult for them, and currently lives in Berlin where she is pursuing her art.

Leela Levitt: Leela Levitt started interning with Out of Print in August 2013 and contributed to the September release of the magazine. She joined as editor soon thereafter, and worked with Out of Print from the December 2013 issue.

Vandana Devi: Vandana Devi was a former intern with Out of Print, when she was a twenty-something student from Kerala currently living in Chennai, pursuing her Masters in English Studies. She worked as an editor from June 2019 to January 2020 as she entered the final semesters of her university programme. Her work may be read on wheneverwhateverhowever.

Former Interns

Leela Levitt
Vandana Devi
Deeksha Balaji
Navya Sahay
Pranvi Khare
Rahael Mathews



Out of Print is supported by Bothers Twain


The Out of Print logo designed by Yamuna Mukherjee, Kiri Design, Bangalore.


Out of Print posts updates issues, workshops, events, special themes and more on the Out of Print Blog, and on Facebook, Instagram and X.


Certain stories may contain language or details that could be viewed as offensive. Readers below 18 are cautioned to use discretion.
Views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily supported by Out of Print.