All Quiet in Vikaspuri: An Excerpt












About the Author: Sarnath Banerjee

Sarnath Banerjee is the author of the graphic novels Corridor, Penguin India, 2004; The Barn Owl’s Wondrous Capers, Penguin India, 2007; The Harappa Files, HarperCollins India, 2011 and All Quiet in Vikaspuri, HarperCollins India, 2016. Banerjee was the shortlisted artist for the Abraaj Group Art Prize 2015 curated by Omar Kholief. In 2012, he had a solo exhibition History is Written by Garment Exporters at the CCA in Glasgow and was commissioned by Frieze Projects East for a public arts project during the London Olympics. He has participated at group shows at the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, 2014; DAAd gallery, 2013 and the Haus der Kulture der Welt, 2012 in Berlin and has exhbited widely the world over. He currently runs an advertising agency that campaigns for out-of-fashion political ideas, outdated celebrities and out-of-favour social trends.

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